Thursday, September 3, 2020

History project- religious development in India Essay

With the happening to the Mughals in India and the Turkish principle, there were numerous turns of events and changes in the Indian culture and religion. The Sultans of Delhi and Mughal endured various religions, particularly Hinduism, however they were supporters of Islam. This lead to the beggining of indo-islamic culture. Since sunrise of history, India has been the support of strict turns of events. In the early medival period, two parrelel developments in Hinduism and Islam speaking to the Bhakti and Sufi developments rose in India. The Indo-Islamic strands have been woven into the surface of India by interlacing Bhakti and Sufi conventions. Bhakti development The Bhakti development is a Hindu strict development where the principle otherworldly practice is cherishing dedication towards Shiva or Vishnu. Bhakti development is likewise firmly identified with Sufism of Islam which rose in a similar timeframe and both supported ‘love of God’ as the least demanding approach to achieve God. The Bhakti development started in antiquated Tamil Nadu. The Nayanmars and the Alvars assumed a significant job in the Bhakti development. The Bhakti development existed together calmly with different developments in Hinduism. It was at first thought to be unconventional, as it defied station differentiations and ignored Brahmanic customs, which as indicated by Bhakti holy people were a bit much for salvation. Over the span of time, be that as it may, inferable from its colossal notoriety among the majority it became ‘orthodox’ and keeps on being one of the most significant methods of strict articulation in present day India. The world ‘Bhakti’ implies dedication to God. The Bhakti development had its inception in the Bhagavadgita and the Upanishads. The Bhaktas of God didn't have faith in such a station differentiations. They supported love and commitment to God and disposed of a wide range of customs and services. They lectured unity of God and â€Å"that all religions were nevertheless streets prompting the equivalent goal†. Boss Principles of Bhakti Movement: The main standards of the Bhakti development were as per the following: 1. It is Bhakti or dedication to God alone that can assist man with achieving salvation. 2. It is essential to follow a genuine master for acknowledging God. 3. All men are equivalent and nobody is prevalent or mediocre. 4. Station qualifications, customs, fasts, and so on. , are futile and turn into dead end. 5. All men ought to be open minded. Impacts of the Bhakti Movement: The Bhakti development had expansive consequences for the individuals. Right off the bat, it helped a great deal in evacuating the current sharpness between the Hindus and the Muslims. Both turned out to be increasingly open minded towards one another. Also, the Bhaktas uncovered the void of void customs and services and instructed the individuals to surrender disasters like confidence in strange notions and so on. This development delta a hit to the prevalence of the Brahmins, for it proliferated the equity everything being equal. This additionally helped in checking changes. Thirdly, the Bhakti reformers lectured in the normal language of the individuals, which offered ascend to the vernacular dialects, for example, Bengali in the east, Gujarati and Marathi in the west and Punjabi in the north. Significant Bhakti Reformers Ramanuja : Ramanuja was probably the most punctual reformer. His lessons depended on the Upanishads and Bhagwad Gita. he had instructed in the language of the regular man. Before long an enormous number of individuals turned into his supporters. Ramananda was his follower. Ramananda : Ramananda was the principal reformer to lecture in Hindi, the principle language spoken by the individuals of the North. He was taught at Benaras. He lectured that there is not much or low. He was an impassioned admirer of Rama. He thought about God as a caring dad. He lived in the fourteenth century A. D. Kabir : Kabir was a fervent devotee of Ramananda. He needed solidarity between the Hindus and the Muslims. He lectured that both the Hindus and the Muslims are the offspring of a solitary God. He had no confidence in symbol adore, strict customs and functions. The aficionados of Kabir were known as Kabir Panthis. Chaitanya : Chaitanya, an extraordinary enthusiast of Lord Krishna, was a holy person from Bengal. From his very youth, he had indicated extraordinary enthusiasm for instruction and considered Sanskrit. He wedded the girl of a Saintly individual. Later at 24 years old, he denied the common life and turned into a sanyasin. His supporters viewed him as a manifestation of Lord Vishnu. He helped the old and the penniless. He was against the disparities of the rank framework. He underscored the requirement for resilience, mankind and love. He spread the message of Bhakti in Bengal. He promoted ‘Sankritan’or open singing of God’s name. He was tended to 'Mahaprabhu’ by his supporters. Meera Bai : Meerabai was a Rajput princess. She wedded the Rana of Mewar. She was a devout fan of Lord Krishna. Her tunes or psalms are even today sung all over India. Her royal residence was kept open to individuals of all stations to join her Bhajans of Lord Krishna. She had lived generally of her life in Mathura, the origination of Krishna and Vrindaban. There is a sanctuary committed to Meerabai in Chittor, the capital of Mewar. Sufi development Sufism was a change development inside Islam which applies more noteworthy weight on free reasoning, liberal thoughts and lenience. The Sufis put stock in the uniformity of every single person and fraternity humankind. The Sufi development began in Persia. A portion of the Sufi holy people likewise came to India. They started to lecture their liberal thoughts and to expel the inlet between the Hindus and the Muslims and consolidate them. The word Sufi has been taken from the Arabic word ‘Suf’ which implies fleece. The development may have been given the name Sufism on account of the course fleece pieces of clothing they wore as a sign of their dismissal of common things. Sufis have generally taken pledges of destitution and chastity. Sufism created strict works on concentrating on severe discretion that empower both mental and mysterious bits of knowledge just as lost self, with a definitive objective of otherworldly association with God. The Sufi development comprises of brotherly requests in which pioneers train and help pupils in the dominance of Sufism’s philosophical standards and ceremonial practices. Such customs and practices incorporate composition and presenting verse and psalms; probably the most well known and wonderful writing of the Islamic world has been composed by Sufis. Sufis participate in an assortment of ceremonial practices proposed to assist them with acknowledging association with God, for example, particular types of custom supplication including the recitation of God’s names, just as real ceremonies, for example, those practices by the supposed â€Å"Whirling Dervishes,† a Turkish Sufi request that rehearses reflection and consideration of God through turning. Educating of Sufism: 1. There is one God, the Eternal, the Only Being; none else exists spare He. 2. There is just one Master, the Guiding Spirit all things considered, who continually drives his adherents towards the light. 3. There is one Holy Book, the consecrated composition of nature: the main sacred writing, which can edify the peruser. 4. There is one Religion, the unswerving advancement the correct way towards the perfect, which satisfies the life’s motivation behind each spirit. 5. There is one Law, the Law of correspondence, which can be seen by a caring inner voice along with a feeling of stirred equity. 6. There is one Brotherhood, the human fellowship, which joins the offspring of earth aimlessly in the parenthood of God. 7. There is one Moral Principle, the affection which springs forward from forbearance, and sprouts in deeds of usefulness. 8. There is one Object of Praise, the magnificence which inspires the core of its admirer through all viewpoints from the seen to the Unseen. 9. There is one Truth, the genuine information on our being inside and without, which is the quintessence of all shrewdness. 10. There is one Path, the destruction of the bogus conscience in the genuine, which raises the human to eternality and in which lives all flawlessness. The Sufi Movement there is no brotherhood in the standard sense, the organization is just to direct the administration and to answer the need of a cleric which consistently exists in our regular day to day existence. Those appointed in the Sufi Movement are called Sirajs and Cherags. There is no differentiation among ladies and men. The commendable soul is appointed; this gives a guide to the world that in all spots †in the congregation, in the school, in parliament, in court †it is lady and man together who make development complete. And yet every Sufi is a cleric, an evangelist, an instructor, and a student of each spirit that he meets on the planet. The Sufi supplications, for example, Saum and Salat are not man-made petitions. They have slipped from above, similarly as in each time of otherworldly recreation petitions were given. What's more, there is each force and gift in them, particularly for the individuals who accept. Sikhism Guru Nanak is the author of the religion of Sikhism and is the first of the ten Sikh Gurus. His introduction to the world is praised worldwide on Kartik Puranmashi, the full-moon day which falls on various dates every year in the period of Katak, October-November. Master Nanak headed out to places far and wide showing individuals the message of one God who stays in all of God’s manifestations and comprises the endless Truth. He arrangement a special otherworldly, social, and political stage dependent on uniformity, brotherhood love, goodness, what's more, temperance. Nanak was conceived on 15 April 1469, presently celebrated as Guru Nanak Gurpurab. Today, his origin is set apart by Gurdwara Janam Asthan. His folks were Kalyan Chand Das Bedi and Mata Tripta. His dad was a patwari (bookkeeper) for crop income in the town of Talwandi, utilized by a Muslim landowner of that territory, Rai Bular Bhatti. He had one sister, Bibi Nanaki, who was five years more established than him and turned into an otherworldly figure in her own right. Nanak additionally looked for some kind of employment with Daulat Khan, when he was around 16 years of age. On 24 September 1487 Nanak wedded Mata Sulakkhani, girl of Mul Chand and Chando R

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Faith and Hope in Business Essay Example for Free

Confidence and Hope in Business Essay Confidence in business is having trust and trust in whatever you set out to do, paying little mind to conditions or condition, for example, monetary downturn or an entitys capacity to proceed as a going concern. Confidence in business is some fixed perspectives for business pioneers to remain morally and expertly. Confidence in business resembles a compass for some CEOs. For Ford Motor Company, Episcopalian is the compass for Henry Ford. For Whole Food, Buddhism is the compass for John Mackey. Expectation in business is the conviction that things will show signs of improvement, regardless of whether the budgetary information or proof demonstrates it will or not. Expectation in business resembles a street on the planet; there was never a street, yet when numerous individuals stroll on it, the street appears. The distinction among confidence and expectation in business is that trust consistently looks to the future, while confidence is currently. In addition, trust is a subset of confidence. Business visionaries must have would like to have confidence, yet they don’t must have confidence to have trust. Confidence consistently enlivened business visionaries to do dauntless activity, yet trust doesn’t do that. Unwavering business doesn't generally focus on benefit; one of the most normal instances of this is Chick-fil-An, an organization that has been notable for working on Christian standards and qualities. To respect the scriptural educating to lay on the Sabbath, Chick-fil-A consistently closes on Sundays, along these lines doing without one of the most elevated income days of the week for the café business. Another normal case of confidence in business is the activity of the Grameen Bank Project, which item was to stretch out financial offices to poor local people in country Bangladesh. Then again, trust in business can be just that business people trust their elements could make a securing later on, for example, Google plan to procure Linux and supplant Chrome OS to have their own official OS only for PCs and join it with all the Features and Design of Chrome OS to turn out to be more remarkable than any other time in recent memory.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Emotional Intelligence And Organisational Effectiveness Education Essay

Introduction:This is a sense of self persuaded proclamation by Pulitzer Prize victor Robert Frost ( American Poet ) that discusses an individual ‘s goal to make higher bases in existence without procuring occupied by changes of life. It is any enterpriser ‘s dream to hold workers with this level of self thought process. In any case, the truth of the matter is a far call from the perfect picture. Fitting to the Gallup Management Journal ‘s Employee Engagement Index, 29 % of representatives are effectively occupied with their occupations, 54 % are not-locked in, and 17 % are effectively withdrawn. The measurements on work power fight are amazing. Around two third of the laborers are either sensibly drawn in or non locked in. * Clearly, it is hard to ignore this result up call. Pull offing human asset for profitable grounds has planetary conclusion unnecessarily. HR play a significant capacity in the improvement technique of current monetary sciences. As cited by Sitaram Singh in his book, Arthur Lewis watched, â€Å" There are incredible contrasts being developed between states which appear to hold roughly approach assets, so it is important to ask into the distinction in human conduct. † ( Lewise, 1965 )[ 1 ]. Sing that India is one of the universe ‘s quickest rising financial frameworks, creating HR for competitory favorable position ought to be one of the head worries for associations runing in India. Fitting to NASSCOM contemplates, the IT-BPO industry will observer a sound developing in this twelvemonth, drove by developing in the core showcases and enhanced by significant parts from developing markets. The Indian IT-BPO Industry is relied upon to rise above USD 70 billion in FY'11. The bettering interest situation has prompted expanded recruiting and henceforth business developed by around 9 % in an interest compelled condition. The business head tally add-on is relied upon to copy this twelvemonth to contact 200,000 new representatives, taking to 2.5 million direct work. â€Å" Peoples are our most noteworthy in addition to â€Å" is an unoriginal explanation we much of the time experience in one-year studies and journals of grouped associations. People are the benefits on which competitory preferred position is assembled, regardless of whether in the masses or private area, in the corporate universe or known to mankind of guidance, especially because of the relocation of point of convergence from creating part to serve direction. Organizations spent a gigantic whole of assets like clasp, cash and vitality to better their anxiety and to pass on in the film altering fringe by following the best plans like Six sigma, Employee approval, Information sharing framework, Business proprietorship, Superior work life balance, Learning associations and so forth. A typical yarn running inside this is Human Resource-undeniably the most significance asset for an association. Along these lines, surveies refering advancement of Human Resource have more noteworthy significance.1.1Back place where there is the subject of researchTurning awareness that Emotional Intelligence is basic for work achievement has caught the going to of many concern houses. Fitting to Goleman ( 1998 ) the factor that isolates an unrivaled performing craftsman from a mean performing craftsman is Emotional Intelligence. When Goleman audited fitness hypothetical records of 121 organizations for 181 better places, it was discovered that around two third of the capabilities required for adequate open introduction were passionate abilities. Feelings are worked in part of human conduct. In Charles Darwin ‘s book, ‘The look of feelings in Man and Animals ‘ ( 1872 ) , he expounded on passionate valency and quality. Blending to Darwin ‘s hypothetical record, there are 7 essential feelings, which incorporate ; Happiness, Surprise, Disgust, Contempt, Anger, Fear and Sadness. Force could be experienced and comprehended by the individual himself and might b e communicated in footings of per centum. Darwin hypothesizes that facial look of essential feelings is cosmopolitan and can be comprehended by individuals across various human advancements. Feelings are back to front and outside in. A single will in general experience the feeling harmonious to the facial look. For case, scowling will make the feeling of sharpness. Each, individuals arranged occupation requests right utilization of feelings, however feelings without anyone else will non take you extremely far in calling. Despite the fact that feelings are a natural segment of our organic do up, our social insight keeps us from displaying feelings in work topographic point. The experience of feeling is resolved from the purpose of position of the individual and is extremely emotional. It has a biochemical and hormonal constituent. Communicating feelings, including the negative feelings, is normal. It so expects creating to take the correct evaluation of look of feeling in light of everyday occasions of life. Many research laborers have reinforced the natural structure of research refering to feelings. Robert Plutchik ( 1980 ) has added to this field by making wheel of feelings that discussion about essential and optional feelings and changing blends of feelings and quality of emotions.Robert Plutchiks Wheel of EmotionsBeginning: Robert Plutchik, ( 1980 ) Emotion: A Psychoevolutionary Synthesis, New York: Harper and A ; Row, 1980. ISBN 0-06-045235-8 Robert Plutchik ( 1980 ) depicts the connection between feeling develops, journalist to the hues in the shading material wheel. Like the colorss of wheel, essential feelings can be consolidated to sort out optional feelings. For representation, Fear and Surprise together can deliver wonderment. In the wheel of feelings, 8 essential feelings ( Trust Vs Disgust, Joy Vs Sadness, Fear Vs Anger, Surprise Vs Anticipation ) are organized in 8 divisions of 4 supports of antonyms. The areas contain positive and negative feelings of evolving grades. For case, apprehensiveness, if non controlled at the correct clasp will increment in degree to go misery, at long last peaking in sorrow. So also, bothering can go outrage and can be increased to go a territory of wrath. The serious feelings takes a group of vitality and are all things considered brief lastly gets changed over in to progressively normal and processing lesser evaluations of feelings. Right utilization of feelings will loan to fruitful and satisfying life. At a similar clasp, crazy feelings can end up being dark. In work life each piece great as close to home life, it can affect individual ‘s sense of self uniqueness, relationship with others and undertaking finish. Brain science associated articles every now and again notice about â€Å" Amygdala highjack † , a term initially instituted by Daniel Goleman ( 1996 ) in his book â€Å" Emotional Intelligence †Why it can check more than IQ? † . To comprehend the develop of Amygdala highjack, it is irreplaceable to wander a little from the exploration subject to advert a couple of natural builds quickly. Diverse ecological incitements got by various centripetal assortment meats are handled by Thalamus in the encephalon and it guides the data to Neocortex ( The Thinking encephalon ) that courses the sign to Amygdala ( The Emotional encephalon ) . The Amygdala so discharges peptides and endocrine s to the blood conduit to deliver feeling and activity. However, when high evaluation of detected dangers are experienced, the smooth succession is disturbed and Thalamus sidesteps Cortex and straight direct s signs to Amygdala, which in twist creates the unrefined fight or flight reaction, there by bring forthing nonsensical and crazy feelings, taking to Amygdala highjacking. This adds up to wild conduct which prompts work environment anger In spite of the fact that feelings have such a solid organic base, feelings and reactions to feelings can be subdued. Figuring out how to get the hang the feelings and utilizing the suitable feelings at the work topographic point will travel a long way in achieving a fruitful equalization in the work topographic point. Controling the crazy feelings before it ejects in to elevated signifier will ensure agreeable workplace. This makes it basic to comprehend Emotional competency and Emotional Intelligence. Until the last two decennaries, it was firmly accepted that IQ is everything necessary to be fruitful life. Gardner ‘s various knowledge hypothesis in the mid 1980s got an alternate position and attitude towards insight and brought bury individual and intra individual knowledge to the bow forepart. Accentuating Gardner ‘s position point, Steven Covey in 1990 composed a book, â€Å" 7 wonts of incredibly strong individuals † wherein he said that verbal and closing capacity signifier an extremely little range of human knowledge and entomb and intra individual achievements are the vast majority of import for being efficacious and effective. Gradually, a lot more research laborers included to the natural structure of research, where they reasoned that non subjective capacity is each piece or a greater amount of import than IQ. It is clear that solitary skill of representative adds to hierarchical achievement, yet the socio - conduct highlights and work topographic point lodging of a single generally decides a worker ‘s accomplishment in his occupation. An advanced organization ‘s representative requests to accept universally and move locally to get at calling achievement. The momentum explore has derivations at single, hierarchical and national degree. Blending to Sumantra Ghosal, eminent teacher of key driving of London Business school and once Harvard college, â€Å" the greater part of import start of a state ‘s progression is nature of its bearing † ( Mann 2000 pp23 ) . Since the core point of the study is to put the positive effect of Emotional Intelligence on calling accomplishment of single worker, which will loan to hierarchical achievement and at that place by, progress of Nation, the study has National significance

Saturday, June 13, 2020

2018 Top 50 Undergraduate Professors Nicholas Didow, University of North Carolina (Kenan-Flagler)

2018 Top 50 Undergraduate Professors: Nicholas Didow, University of North Carolina (Kenan-Flagler) by: Andrea Carter on November 13, 2018 | 0 Comments Comments 872 Views November 13, 2018Nicholas DidowAssociate ProfessorUniversity of North Carolina, Kenan-Flagler Business SchoolAt age 70, its hard not to describe Nicholas Didows career at the University of North Carolinas Kenan-Flagler Business School as prolific. Next year will be his 40th year of teaching business education and all of those years have been at Kenan-Flagler, where Didow earned his undergraduate and graduate degrees. Didows expertise is in  consumer behavior, marketing strategy, product management, product scares, and sports marketing.But beyond the classroom, Didow has an impressive record of public service. According to his school bio page, he has been elected to three terms as a member of the  Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Board of Education. Didow was asked to launch UNCs Carolina Center for Public S ervice in 1999, and he led the Universitys efforts to assist with Hurricane Floyd recovery efforts in 1999-2001, the schools site says. Beyond that, Didow also works with the Food Bank of North Carolina, where he works with around 900 community leaders in eastern North Carolina.Didow shows no sign of slowing down, as he spent his summer training his new Beagle puppy, Lucy and plans on learning how to fly an airplane in the near future.Age: 70Education:  PhD in Marketing, Northwestern University;  MBA, UNC Kenan-Flagler;  BSBA, UNC Kenan-FlaglerAt current institution since: 1979List of courses you currently teach: Global Marketing – Issues in the Global Economy; Marketing Strategy Planning; Sustainability Consulting; Director of the STAR Program – Action Based Experiential Learning Major Field Consulting Projects for Businesses, Non-profits, and Government AgenciesWhat professional achievement are you most proud of? Helping launch the nationwide U.S. cell phone in dustry with infrastructure to also support voice and wireless text messaging.  Establishing the campus-wide Carolina Center for Public Service to better connect the resources of the University with the people across North Carolina and beyond.  Assembling the $143 million Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative which deployed 1,803 miles of fiber optic middle mile broadband infrastructure across 67 unserved or underserved counties in North Carolina, providing broadband connectivity to 179 Community Anchor Institutions and last mile service to millions of citizens.â€Å"I knew I wanted to be a business school professor when†¦Ã¢â‚¬  one of my favorite undergraduate marketing professors, Professor Jim Littlefield, said I should consider this as my career.â€Å"One word that describes my first time teaching† Terrified. And I still feel that way every day when I walk into class.What are you currently researching and what is the most significant discovery youve made from i t? Marketing strategy planning for tourism-based economic development strategies in rural North Carolina. This state is rich in natural resources from the mountains to the coast and everything in between, and the people and small towns of North Carolina have amazing authentic histories and endless engaging stories.What is your most memorable moment as a professor? Taking a team of Kenan-Flagler students to Zambia to design and plan a contemporary women’s tertiary referral hospital to serve the regionSince you first started teaching, how has business education changed?  Two major themes: â€Å"Global† has become mainstream, and UNC Kenan-Flagler students want to be prepared for a career that matches their professional skill sets and interests in addition to matching their values and passions.â€Å"If I weren’t a business school professor, I would be†¦Ã¢â‚¬  driving NASCAR for Joe Gibbs Racing in Charlotte.â€Å"Here’s what I wish someone wouldâ⠂¬â„¢ve told me about being a professor†: Remembering that every year you have to adjust to the wonderful students with whom you connected no longer being here on campus as they graduated the previous May. Every August I enter the classroom expecting them to still be sitting there smiling, enthusiastic and ready for class.Name of the professor you most admire and why: Professor Rollie Tillman, the consummate thoughtful gentlemanWhat do you enjoy most about teaching undergraduate business students? The ambition and motivation exhibited by our Kenan-Flagler students is palpable and makes every day an exciting adventure for me as well as for them. What’s the biggest challenge? My job is not just to tell you what you are doing well, but to also help you get better. You have to let me to do both.What is the most impressive thing one of your undergraduate students has done? This is a very difficult question to answer as so many of my Kenan-Flagler students have gone on to liv e and work in their passion and have an impact for good in business, government and nonprofits.   Ã‚  One student in particular has lived into her passion to pioneer sustainable renewable energy first in residential solar and now with Dandelion Energy, the privately held geothermal moonshot business from Alphabet/Google’s project X.What is the least favorite thing one has done? Been unwilling to dream big and expect great things from themselves and others.Since you’ve been teaching, how have students changed over the years? Broader world view today with much more global travel experience What does a student need to do to get an A in your class? Engage with our course content and push yourself to both broaden and deepen your world view, critical thinking, and global understandingâ€Å"When it comes to grading, I think students would describe me as †¦Ã¢â‚¬  a fair grader with very high expectations.If your teaching style/classroom experience had a theme song, wh at would it be? â€Å"Good Golly Miss Molly† Jerry Lee LewisUsing just one word, describe your favorite type of student:  EagerUsing just one word, describe your least favorite type of student: Unengagedâ€Å"If my students can  recognize they have grown by being able and willing to thoughtfully consider and analyze other points of view, then I’ve done my job as their professor.†Ã‚  Fun fact about yourself: I recently had the opportunity to drive one of Jimmie Johnson’s #48 NASCAR racecars all by myself at the Charlotte Motor Speedway with a top speed of 151 MPHWhat are your hobbies? Golf, recipes for roasted tomatoes and tomato pies, British sports cars, working outdoors, college sportsHow did you spend your summer? Welcoming and training Lucy, our new beagle puppyFavorite place to vacation: tie between Emerald Isle beach on the North Carolina coast and Southern FranceFavorite book: The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich BonhoefferFavorite movie and/o r television show: Scarface, as it is an unapologetic celebration of effective marketing strategy planning, capitalism and entrepreneurial spirit Favorite type of music and/or favorite artist: beach music by The TamsBucket list item #1: fly an airplane, which I am going to do later this yearWhat’s the biggest challenge facing business education at the moment?  Recognizing that, as part of a major public university, we have three priorities – excellent research, excellent teaching, and excellent service and engagement – and we must live into each of these every day.â€Å"If I had my way, the business school of the future would have much more of this†¦Ã¢â‚¬  action-based experiential learning like our STAR Program that challenges every student to grow in their skills and managerial judgement â€Å"And much less of this†¦Ã¢â‚¬  introductory lecture courses taught in auditoriumsLooking ahead 10 years from now, describe what â€Å"success† woul d be like for you: To be doing then what I am now called to do each and every day.Students sayEmbodies everything a professor should be: knowledgeable, caring, supportive and motivating. He pushes students to think more deeply and truly learn rather than sit back and memorize. His classes have been among my favorite at Kenan-Flagler and UNC overall and I hope more students have the opportunity to learn from him in the future.Genuinely cares about his students. He actually knows his students’ names, asks about their research projects or plans for life and says hello if he sees them around campus. His knowledge and experience in marketing and business overall is amazing, yet he carries no air of superiority or arrogance.Successfully engages the entire class and encourages students to speak freely. He involves everyone and never belittles a student or makes their comment seem irrelevant or stupid. In his classroom, there is always a positive, open environment where students are encouraged to share ideas and become actively involved in learning Page 1 of 11

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Northern Illinois University Acceptance Rate, SAT/ACT Scores

Northern Illinois University is a public research university with an acceptance rate of 54%. Chartered in 1895 and located in Dekalb, Illinois, Northern Illinois offers over 100 areas of undergraduate study.  NIU has a 16-to-1  student / faculty ratio, and high-achieving students might consider the University Honors Program which offers small classes and opportunities for independent research. Campus life is active with over 320 student clubs and organizations. In athletics, the Northern Illinois University Huskies compete in the NCAA Division I  Mid-American Conference. Considering applying to Northern Illinois University? Here are the admissions statistics you should know, including average SAT/ACT scores of admitted students. Acceptance Rate During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, Northern Illinois University had an acceptance rate of 54%. This means that for every 100 students who applied, 54 students were admitted, making NIUs admissions process competitive. Admissions Statistics (2017-18) Number of Applicants 14,157 Percent Admitted 54% Percent Admitted Who Enrolled (Yield) 24% SAT Scores and Requirements Northern Illinois University requires that all applicants submit either SAT or ACT scores. During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, 51% of admitted students submitted SAT scores. SAT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile ERW 490 600 Math 480 590 ERW=Evidence-Based Reading and Writing This admissions data tells us that most of Northern Illinois Universitys admitted students fall within the  bottom 29% nationally  on the SAT. For the evidence-based reading and writing section, 50% of students admitted to NIU scored between 490 and 600, while 25% scored below 490 and 25% scored above 600. On the math section, 50% of admitted students scored between 480 and 590, while 25% scored below 480 and 25% scored above 590. Applicants with a composite SAT score of 1190 or higher will have particularly competitive chances at Northern Illinois University. Requirements Northern Illinois University does not require the optional SAT writing section, but will consider it if submitted. Note that Northern Illinois does not superscore SAT results, your highest composite SAT score from a single test date will be considered.   ACT Scores and Requirements Northern Illinois University requires that all applicants submit either SAT or ACT scores. During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, 30% of admitted students submitted ACT scores. ACT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile English 18 25 Math 18 25 Composite 19 25 This admissions data tells us that most of Northern Illinois Universitys admitted students fall within the  bottom 46% nationally  on the ACT. The middle 50% of students admitted to NIU received a composite ACT score between 19 and 25, while 25% scored above 25 and 25% scored below 19. Requirements Note that Northern Illinois University does not supescore ACT results; your highest composite ACT score will be considered. NIU does not require the optional ACT writing section, but will consider it if submitted. GPA Northern Illinois University does not provide data about admitted students high school GPAs. Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph Northern Illinois University Applicants Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph. Data courtesy of Cappex. The admissions data in the graph is self-reported by applicants to Northern Illinois University. GPAs are unweighted. Find out how you compare to accepted students, see the real-time graph, and calculate your chances of getting in  with a free Cappex account. Admissions Chances Northern Illinois University, which accepts over half of applicants, has a selective admissions process. If your SAT/ACT scores and GPA fall within the schools average range, you have a strong chance of being accepted. Minimum admission standards include an ACT of at least 19, or an SAT of 990 or higher combined with a minimum GPA of 2.75, or class rank in the top 50%. Applicants with higher test scores and lower GPAs are also eligible for admission to Northern Illinois University. The university requires applicants to have completed four years of high school English, three years of math, three years of science (including at least one year of lab science), three years of social studies (including U.S. History or U.S. Government), and two years of foreign language, art, or music. Applicants who do not meet the minimum standards for admission may still be considered for admission through Additional Review. In the scattergram above, the blue and green dots represent accepted students. The majority of students admitted to Northern Illinois University had GPAs of about 2.5 or higher, an ACT composite score above 18, and a combined SAT score (ERWM) above 950. Your chances of being admitted will be better  if your grades and test scores are above these lower ranges. If You Like Northern Illinois University, You May Also Like These Schools Illinois State UniversityDePaul UniversityUniversity of IowaNorthwestern UniversityUniversity of ChicagoPurdue UniversityLoyola University ChicagoBradley University All admissions data has been sourced from the National Center for Education Statistics and Northern Illinois University Undergraduate Admissions Office.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Medias Influence of Society Essay - 1137 Words

Imagine one day you lost your television, your radio, and your phone won’t get reception and your computer wouldn’t turn on. You’ve lost your music, your favorite TV show, your Facebook and lots more. As you can see the media is very important and popular. The media has been a popular creation throughout the decades. As time passed the media develops from magazines to the television to the internet. The media in our society is everywhere. We see it everywhere from the time we wake up until we go to sleep. We wake up, eat breakfast then we turn on the television or read the paper. From the drive or ride on the subway you could see the subway system infested with advertisements. In school when you use the computer or read the magazines you†¦show more content†¦Scientists have proven that violence in the television does have an effect on its viewers. These results have been obtained in a survey of London schoolchildren in 1975. Scientists found a significan t relationship between violence viewing and aggression. Children who had just seen commercial violence accepted much higher levels of aggression than other children. The effects have been seen in a number of cases. One example, from Alabama, was when a nine-year-old boy received a bad report card from his teacher. He suggested to one of his friends that he send the teacher poisoned candy as revenge. He had seen the same scenario on television the night before. In California, a 7 year old boy sprinkled ground-up glass into the lamb stew the family was to eat for dinner. When asked why he did it he replied that he wanted to see if the results would be the same in real life as they were on television. Some people might not blame the child’s doing because he is young, but it must be pointed out that all of children claimed to have seen a similar act on television. We should not hold television directly responsible for these acts, but understand that it is television that plants a violent seed in the minds of these children. It is important to know though that violence in society is not caused by the media but by the people within it. It’s our choice to follow it or not. Some people might say that the media is more powerful than government. This is because it isShow MoreRelatedMedias Influence On Society1755 Words   |  8 PagesOver the many years media has had a tremendous impact on society. Media has been responsible for shaping the culture for generations through music, movies and television. It seems logical that since the media has an influence on society’s norms when the media promotes violence and crime the audiences become more likely to imitate those behaviors. 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Value A Consumer Health Information Service -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Value A Consumer Health Information Service? Answer: Introduction Fitbit International has operated in the local Australian market through the past one year. The company provides products that help in transforming the lives of people through enhancing fitness activities. The company aims to help the customers feel empowered and have fun as they engage in physical exercise to manage health. Fitbit dates its operation in the past one decade since its formation in Boston, U.S.A. The company has been expanding operations to Japan, Singapore, China, South Korea, Denmark, England, Ireland, Belarus, India and the latest country of is Australia just recently. The market has grown steadily and is expected expand up to five times in the next five years. Wireless technology and sensors technology have been greatly taken up in the development of health and fitness trackers and enjoy an enormous market. The entry into Australian market has been facilitated by the steadily growing local market. The Australian population has been labeled to have a high early adop tion of the wearable technology. This report analyzes the launch of Fitbits wearable fitness and health trackers in Australia. Situation analysis The wearable health and fitness tracking products that are available in the local market are priced at US$19, and the highest is at US$349. There are several sellers in the market including Samsung, Garmin, Misfit, Nike, Google, Microsoft Apple, and Jawbone. The products of Fitbit are mid-priced, and the other established markets have grown through massive advertising and promotion strategies. Television media has been the most influential approach followed by magazines and lowest effect being reported in digital advertising. The market of wearable health and fitness tracking devices spreads across all types of the population from the young to the old in with more users being the women although the male consumers have a nearly high number. Retailers of sporting goods and supermarkets form the majority of the distribution channels(Sivapalan, 2017). Opportunities and issue statement Strengths Fitbit has a specialized product line as compared to the competitors in the fitness and exercise monitoring industry who engage in a wide range of products like computers and phones. Fitbit has a broad awareness of its brand with wide utility capabilities and device portfolio. The company uses a strategy of partnering with health insurance providers as the industry is mainstreaming toward healthcare. Fitbit products do not have third-party applications(Irina, 2017). Weaknesses The single product line of Fitbit is also a drawback in diversity branding. The company has a less established credibility in health and fitness when compared to some of the competitors. Most competing firms in the industry have a long-term brand loyalty because of the long presence in the market. Opportunities Corporates are continuing to expand their employee wellness programs through partnerships with healthcare providers. A great opportunity stands in the future development of capabilities of the devices. Fitbit will also be able to sell data for research as long as the privacy of consumers is protected. Threats Start-ups in the industry pose a challenge to the growth and position of Fitbit because of low prices. Other competitors constitute a threat to the youth portion of the market which is image-conscious(Mayura, 2014). Other long-time established brands occupy the industry with a significantly high customer loyalty. Marketing objectives The Australian market is conscious of health, fitness and exercise tracking and this means that Fitbit has to stay at the brink of technology to be ahead of the competitive and fast-changing industry(Camilleri, 2017). The objective of marketing programs in the new market will be to position the company on top amid competition by reclaiming the taken market share. All the plans should propel the firm to create customer loyalty so that it will grow without many difficulties. Fitbit has divided its products into active and performance fitness according to price(Rosenthal, 2017). Marketing strategies The segmentation, targeting and positioning strategies Marketing mix will be aimed at targeting the appropriate market segment, promotion of value, positioning and branding to create a competitive advantage. The 7Ps tools of price, promotion, product, people, placement, physical environment, packaging, and the process will be used to develop an appropriate marketing strategy(Wood, 2016). Market segmentation will be based on capabilities which determine the needs of users and pricing. Target segmentation in the international market is centered on levels of fitness. The fitness levels are divided into casual exercisers and the consumers who are seriously focused on fitness. Fitness level, gender, education, age, and income will be used for targeting the market(Wattenhofer, 2016). A significant portion of frequently exercising consumers are not athletes aged between 25 years and 45 years, the women who are health-conscious, the educated and the middle class on the upper end. Price is the primary factor influencing the purchase of wearable fitness tracking devices. Some cheap end competitors have fewer features and will not shatter Fitbit in their financial packages. The strategies will help to create and increase awareness of products and the brand, become a market leader, add new product features and enhance personalization settings(Weber, 2017). Marketing mix The exclusive partnering with corporates, health clubs, and insurance companies will enable sharing of tracking data. The partnerships will offer discounts on co-pays, premiums, and deductibles. Classes apparel and membership fees may also be cut. Insurance firms will gain relevant information that will help in serving their clients(Rosenthal, 2017). Discounts will assist to develop loyalty and act as an incentive to increase sales for the price-sensitive consumers. Sharing of data will be voluntary through sign-ups, this way, privacy will not be infringed. Partnerships will give a shared promotion for Fitbits products and brand. Budget and profitability analysis Approximately 3,500,000 devices will be sold in the first year of launch costing the company $1.4 billion manufacturing costs and $5 million in advertising and promotions. The total revenue for sale is approximated at $3.5 billion. (Oelschlegel, et al. 2017) Monitoring and control The information for checking progress will be provided by the devices. Integration with computers will help in capturing and analysis of data. The industry trends have to be kept up to date, and the appliances kept in line with the needs of the consumers(Enama, 2017). Conclusion Forging partnerships with fitness clubs and insurance companies seeks to create a win-win situation for Fitbit, the companies, and the individual users. Fitbit will then increase sales and get an incentivized beneficiary sigh-ups and save money on costs of health and exercise. Another benefit is an increase in membership and an encouraged purchase of the apparel. Consumers will save money as well as get improved health and fitness. The promotion capacity created by insurers will help in the rolling out of the wearable products and brand awareness. Summary The report has analyzed the Fitbit company in its production of wearable exercise and fitness devices with an aim to create a marketing plan for the entry in Australia. The most appropriate strategy has been identified to be partnerships with corporates such as insurers, healthcare companies, and health clubs. Fitbit has several strengths over the competitors, and the local industry has a high potential for adoption and growth. The effective means of overcoming internal weaknesses and the industry threats will be to keep abreast in technology adoption to enhance functionalities. References Camilleri, A., 20171. Market segmentation, targeting, and positioning. Market Planning, 31(1), p. 27. Enama, A., 2017. Research on Market Development Strategy. Exercise and Fitness, 4(12), pp. 1-27. Irina, E., 2017. SWOT analysis, its implementation, and role for a foreign company. Marketing Planning, 2(1), pp. 128-136. Mayura, J., 2014. S.W.O.T analysis. Marketing Strategies, 2(31), p. 97. Oelschlegel Sandy, Doyle Donna, 2017. Collaboration, Visibility, and Relationship Marketing: Driving Use and Demonstrating Value of a Consumer Health Information Service. Journal of Healthy Living, 21(1), pp. 1-10. Rosenthal, B., 2017. The brand meaning co-creation process on Facebook. Marketing Intelligence Planning, 9(4), pp. 188-196. Sivapalan, A., 2017. An application of retailing service quality practices influencing customer loyalty toward retailers. Marketing Intelligence Planning, 17(9), pp. 1-53. Wattenhofer, R., 2016. Outdoor Sports Route Generation. Exercise Tracking, 9(4), pp. 76-101. Weber, N., 2017. Matching the business model with the unique customer journey. Customer Loyalty, 18(4), pp. 1-15. Wood, L., 2016. Methods and apparatus to improve marketing strategy with purchase driven planning. Market planning, Volume 7, p. 54.