Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Medias Influence of Society Essay - 1137 Words

Imagine one day you lost your television, your radio, and your phone won’t get reception and your computer wouldn’t turn on. You’ve lost your music, your favorite TV show, your Facebook and lots more. As you can see the media is very important and popular. The media has been a popular creation throughout the decades. As time passed the media develops from magazines to the television to the internet. The media in our society is everywhere. We see it everywhere from the time we wake up until we go to sleep. We wake up, eat breakfast then we turn on the television or read the paper. From the drive or ride on the subway you could see the subway system infested with advertisements. In school when you use the computer or read the magazines you†¦show more content†¦Scientists have proven that violence in the television does have an effect on its viewers. These results have been obtained in a survey of London schoolchildren in 1975. Scientists found a significan t relationship between violence viewing and aggression. Children who had just seen commercial violence accepted much higher levels of aggression than other children. The effects have been seen in a number of cases. One example, from Alabama, was when a nine-year-old boy received a bad report card from his teacher. He suggested to one of his friends that he send the teacher poisoned candy as revenge. He had seen the same scenario on television the night before. In California, a 7 year old boy sprinkled ground-up glass into the lamb stew the family was to eat for dinner. When asked why he did it he replied that he wanted to see if the results would be the same in real life as they were on television. Some people might not blame the child’s doing because he is young, but it must be pointed out that all of children claimed to have seen a similar act on television. We should not hold television directly responsible for these acts, but understand that it is television that plants a violent seed in the minds of these children. It is important to know though that violence in society is not caused by the media but by the people within it. It’s our choice to follow it or not. Some people might say that the media is more powerful than government. This is because it isShow MoreRelatedMedias Influence On Society1755 Words   |  8 PagesOver the many years media has had a tremendous impact on society. Media has been responsible for shaping the culture for generations through music, movies and television. It seems logical that since the media has an influence on society’s norms when the media promotes violence and crime the audiences become more likely to imitate those behaviors. 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